Japanese Creative Writers

We are looking for native Japanese speakers to write some creative short stories for us. The stories are for a language learning project to help people learn to read Kanji. The stories can be about anything the writer can come up with. The tricky part is that each story has to include a very specific set of vocabulary words written in Kanji. Each set of words will come from one of our language lessons and there are typically about 100 words per lesson. The goals for each story are to:

1. include each vocabulary word at least once
2. make the story as short as possible

The point of #2 is to limit the vocabulary that isn’t in the list and to allow someone to read all the required vocabulary, in the context of a story, in the minimal amount of time. Of course the story will have to include other words and language, and the entire story should be written in Kanji, but those words that aren’t in the list will be converted to Hiragana. Stories written for vocabulary set 2 can optionally include Kanji from set 1. Stories for vocabulary set 3 can optionally include Kanji from set 1 and 2, and so on.

In order to accomplish both goals, the story may have to be very creative and unique, maybe even a little strange, and that is perfectly ok. People will be reading the story primarily to practice reading the vocabulary in Kanji, not to read the best story ever written. But, of course, if the story can be fun and interesting, that would be great!

To apply, please contact us with a little bit about yourself and some links to your work.